Wednesday 10 February 2016

Heineken Toasts Profit As Carlsberg Sales Sink

Two of Europe's largest beer multitude of different reports in Carlsberg slumping first annual loss in almost two decades, such as Heineken profits rose.

Supreme Court Halts Obama Climate Change Plan

The US Supreme Court has blocked federal regulations to curb carbon emissions - delivering a significant blow to Barack Obama's strategy to combat climate change.

Drought Leaves Ethiopia Facing Food Crisis

Ten million Ethiopians could remain without food after the worst drought in 50 children years.Save said emergency food aid will be implemented until April, unless donors provide £ 170 million by the end of the month.

Monday 8 February 2016

At least 33 migrants drown off Turkey in two boat accidents

At least 33 migrants drowned in two incidents in the Aegean Sea on Monday as they tried to stabbing from Turkey to Greece, reported Turkish media. Twenty-two died when their boat in the Edremit district of Balikesir province sank shortly died after 11 migrants in Izmir, they said.

Myanmar's new prez name to be known on March 17

Names of the next president of Myanmar and two vice-presidents will be unveiled on March 17, an official said Monday, clear deadlines for the government under a military democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi's party to the switch.

Pakistan behind rise of international jihadi forces

 Pakistan's powerful intelligence service has long acted as the "manager" of international jihadi forces and it may have been involved in the rise of the ISIS, a leading US daily said, in a stinging commentary on Pakistan's "intervention" in a number of foreign conflicts.

British team say they have a remedy for Zika virus

Unlike the white Renault, the slow pace and occasional puff something from his window, which Oxitec Vehicle Line looks just like any other cars that crisscross Piracicaba each morning before the city wakes up. Consequently, just most days. climbs down Vara do Acucar, around Unimep University and Delta supermarket for the sun high in the sky, and all the available goods.

A tale of two Sharifs: Raheel spares Nawaz of his ‘general’ problems

when Raheel Sharif retires in November, he would be Pakistan's first army chief, appointed under Nawaz Sharif's prime ministership, to leave the coveted post on time in 25 years.

Friday 5 February 2016

Man’s disturbing act of animal abuse

A TEEN has been charged over an alleged brutal attack on a cat.The 18-year-old posted a video to Facebook on Tuesday night of him scalding a black and white cat with boiling water.In the distressing video, boiling water is taken off a stove and the man who is filming walks towards the cat, which sitting near a litter box on the back porch.

Bus Plunges Off Bridge In India Killing Dozens

At least 37 people deceased after a bus plunged off a bridge into a river was India.The accident when the driver apparently lost control and ran off into a river Purna in Navsari, 180 miles (285 kilometers) from Ahmedabad, the capital of Gujarat

Taiwan earthquake: Tainan hit by 6.4-magnitude quake

A 10-month-old child was among five dead after a 16-storey apartment block was overthrown by a 6.4-magnitude earthquake in southern Taiwan Saturday with rescuers trying to free the residents still trapped emergency response center inside.The Tainan City is still lists 155 people were injured, but the news site ET today reports the number increased to 318 people admitted to hospital.

Reported Sex Attacks Double At Cologne Carnival

Cologne police received 22 complaints of sexual assault on the first day of the annual street carnival in the German city - double the amount last time year.Around 190 people reportedly in the custody of the authorities and called 'cross-section of the general public' .security where increased to double the number of officers on duty, after hundreds of alleged attacks and robberies on the eve of the New Year.

Prisoner hides four mobile phones, four chargers and four SIM cards in his bottom

British prisoners seized four mobile phones, four loaders, and four SIM cards hidden his bottom.Convicted robber pulled Steven Wallace electronic scanner body when he was admitted to Strangeways Prison in Manchester in November, the Manchester Evening News reports.

UK rejects UN finding that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been ‘arbitrarily detained

The UK has 'completely rejected' UN ruled that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been 'detained' and be allowed to pass through the panel free.The UN Human Rights released its reasons for finding WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was 'arbitrarily detained' the UK and Sweden from December 2010 and must be released and compensated.

Who did this to our tree? We’ll pay $1000 to find out’: Disability services provider Minda concerned by sick trees

ONGESKIKTHEID serving Minda offer one $ 1,000 prize vir inligting ear what DALK three toxic bomb on sy North Brighton property.Minda chief executive Cathy Miller Gese staff to a dead bloekom on sy Repton Rd border picked mark during each drive one onlangse inspection.All characters wys for this purpose with bewus toxic door somebody,

Auburn genital mutilation: Guilty women, sheik fail to show remorse or speak out says judge

Supreme Court Justice suspicion of regret two women convicted of female genital mutilation that said, if it refuses to practice or speak out against the procedure, which is a tradition in their small Muslim sect.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Grab a ticket to Iran: As BA flights take off again, Gulf state's beaches and architecture are set for a boom in tourism following the lifting of sanctions

It may seem one of the most likely 'must visit' destination, but Iran has enjoyed a tourist boom.After years of sanctions and the travel advice is stay in the Islamic Republic sell quickly.

What a farce! PM's EU deal unravels as it emerges migrants from some countries will get HIGHER child benefits than UK families

David Cameron is facing fierce opposition from Conservative MPs last night as his' destiny 'to restrict immigration fancy unravelled.The desperately defending its referendum stitch-up with Brussels - which insisted the country would be stronger and better' to do. incredibly, the fine print of the draft agreement shows that the number of foreign workers - far from a total loss of their child - even if more.They get further evidence referred to children who are living abroad, where the cost of housing in the country is higher than some UK.In countries - such as Germany, Sweden and Ireland - Britain is already paying child support for the families of the British-based employees, even if their payments are higher than in the country.

Zika virus threat to Mediterranean holidays: UN warning that different species of mosquito found in Southern Europe could act as carrier for the disease

  • The World Health Organization warns of mosquitoes can spread Zika
  • Hereinafter referred to as' Tiger mosquito »mosquito commonly found in southern Europe
  • Previous warnings focused on Latin America and the Caribbean
  • The risk increases spread from the beginning of spring and summer in Europe
  • Vacationers who travel to the Mediterranean in the summer has already warned that the United Nations Zika virus can be transmitted from mosquito bites.
  • Aldi fuels boom in caviar sales: Amount spent on delicacy up by nearly half on last year as shoppers opt for exotic seafoods

    Caviar sales have hit record levels as Brits splash out on exotic seafoods.
    New figures out yesterday/Wednesday showed spending on caviar hit a high of £167,500 in the four weeks to January 2.
    It is 44 per cent higher than the same period in the previous year, according to new figures from industry body Seafish.
    Experts said an increased availability of caviar on the High Street and in discount supermarkets such as Aldi and Lidl sent sales soaring.

    Paris shanty town is smashed to pieces after French police swoop in dawn raid to remove 400 Romani gypsies who had built settlement

    This is the moment a Paris shanty town was smashed to pieces after French police swooped in a dawn raid to remove 400 Romani gypsies who had built the settlement. 

    Tuesday 2 February 2016

    Malcolm Turnbull exploits divisions between Jay Weatherill and Bill Shorten in GST debate

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was exploited differences between Premier Jay Weatherill and Federal Opposition Leader Bill shorten labor ward off increasing attacks on the tax reform and education funding.Mr qualified support Weatherill to the GST and methods of interrogation policy in federal funding for educational work and was reused federal government Tuesday criticized Mr. shortened.

    It’s D-Day for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in Iowa

    Republican Senator Ted Cruz has come out on top in the Iowa caucuses, pushing aside Donald Trump, as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 'virtual band' with Bernie Sanders.With 98.45 on the results of the big Texan senator Trump deal impairment, the national front-runner in the race

    Well preserved ‘Solar boat’ found under Egyptian tomb

    Archaeologists have discovered a boat owner's soul aimed buried under the ruins of an ancient Egyptian star 4500 years tomb.The discovery was made during excavations of the Czech Institute of Egyptology at Abousir an old cemetery on the outskirts of modern Cairo.