Friday 5 February 2016

Prisoner hides four mobile phones, four chargers and four SIM cards in his bottom

British prisoners seized four mobile phones, four loaders, and four SIM cards hidden his bottom.Convicted robber pulled Steven Wallace electronic scanner body when he was admitted to Strangeways Prison in Manchester in November, the Manchester Evening News reports.

E 'was stopped by the police and forced to hand over two phones and two' 'magazine hidden improvised that it anus, Manchester Crown Court heard.But was not the end of it. Wallace admitted that there was more to come, and placed in a cell for the night.
He then showed two other phones and chargers, as well as four other SIM cards day.Wallace was sentenced to six months in addition in the top of the time already attending.
It is not the first prisoner to provide a phone it - Strangeways prison officers have found the devices inside the prison on 70 occasions in recent months. However the cloaking method Wallace has certainly raised many eyebrows.
These devices are prohibited in jail and many of the people recovered the key fob sized device smugglers, optimism, it is easier to hide inside and externally.Last week, jailed mother was visiting the prison in Manchester after hiding a bra and four phone chargers.

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