Thursday, 26 November 2015

War, More Than ISIS, Is Destroying Syria's Ancient Sites

Race the old site of the ancient statues of Islamic militants blow up the ISIS-controlled territory.Videos and shocked the world of classical looting and the destruction of the temple is more vulnerable than busting. But the United States, according to a new analysis of satellite images archaeologists, the high-profile of Syria's rich cultural heritage.The to hide the true extent of the damage to test the ancient sites in 1450 shattered the image of the nation and one of the four available that have been damaged or looted in the civil war that began in 2011.

More than half of the site, followed by those of Kurdish rebel forces in the area. The Islamic state, which is also known as ISIS or terrorists, rather than damage ,, rest of the region remained loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad.It, destruction and looting a quarter of the entire event is more than obvious that the Syrian government and the Kurdish terrorist territory and Anti-controlled areas , 'Jesse Casana, should not be surprising Dartmouth University archaeologist who leads the hunt for analysis.This, looting of civilian authorities have indicated that the tip of the stationary Casana American School of Oriental Research in Atlanta earlier this month told the gathering. The competition in areas such as around the ancient city of Aleppo, Syria's case, the administration ISIS control.It robbed the areas controlled by the site or Isil Kurdish and opposition is much higher than it is even more clearly suffered greatly in the region.
Neolithic settlements ranging from medieval mosque in Syria, more than 6,500 map of the old site boasts. See, slight, moderate or severe, because the loss of ISIS-controlled areas than in other parts of the Syrian site were more likely to suffer serious damage. 'This is a more organized area, the state can also be read as evidence of looting,' Casana added.Yet rid of the destructive chaos of ancient monuments Isis campaign has proven to be competitive. The lack of civilian control of the international art market, encourages groups and individuals to dig up artifacts to sell. The competition area, for example, the threat of military action in Syria also heritageFor cultural landscape to the point that human-induced mound, the remains of ancient settlements can serve as a strategic deterrent. Casana, which is under the control of the Syrian government Jifar, says army troops on the ground by building bulldozer tracks. Approval of a site or terrorists there.The extreme action, which is very understandable outrage around the world have included government troops, have been robbed, 'Casana said. 'But misconceptions about our priorities Isil older models have led to the scope of the crisis, and it is responsible, and therefore, what about those who deal with it.'

Alice Laugier, the assessment is still ongoing, the archaeologist of the University of Arkansas, as much as during the last five years before conflict.Looting of DecreeIronically Syria has been looting and pillaging the territory controlled by the ISIS increased the percentage attributed to the terrorist group in the north and east by Syria, this seems to be the order was self-serving . 'They control the looting and plunder those who can not get permission to have a framework, 'Casana.In US special forces in May of Abu Sayyaf, a senior official to look for ISIS raided a village in eastern Syria, he said. He died Shootout, and the team has proven to be more of them fake antiques objects can be found in the cache of documents captured trade.Chaos ISIS complicity that is revealed even more devastating to rescue Jasmine 'advertising campaign in the US State Department expressed its monuments. Accor ding area of ​​old documents Sayyaf, which oversees oil and natural resources, Isis Diwan old department responded. Sayyaf in memo General Committee in September, officials confirmed Syria.ISIS officials who received permits robbers. 'Booty' This has been labeled permit.Permit ISIS-holders have to pay 20 percent of their profits are expected to shut up in public without taking any or permit to dig up antiquities in the Islamic state is prohibited brother 'Fee or face punishment. According to the memorandum of prey, the four-month lead in April a total of $ 1.25 million.That ISIS received a $ 265,000 taxes on the sale of just one snapshot for a limited period 'is Andrew Keller, one US State Department official overseeing revenue streams ISIS. In his speech in September, he said that the number is probably much higher time and that the ISIS 'sales tax, which is not protected by others only passively added. It is an active trade controls to ensure maximum profit. '

ISIS wants to permit holders catch the charges or face the penalty of their earnings are expected to be 20 per cent.
From mid-2014 the company was awarded the sale of antiques has made several millions of dollars, but a certain amount of up to $ 5 million for information leading to unknown.The the US government is trying to shut down parts of the network destructive Syria undertake significant interference from other antiques Andrew Cohen, ISIS patch earlier this year, classical archaeological site beheaded Syrian foreign ministry official spoke Atlanta meeting.Low PriorityGiven said investigators did not dare to get lost territory. This limitation is critical to tracking satellite crisis.While Casana team examined the photographs to make the conference more than a year old, the other archaeologists and cultural heritage experts more time, they hinder efforts to monitor the situation in the images we are screaming crying, 'Scott Branting Initiatives.He American schools Oriental Research inheritance mapping and data integration Director of the Department of Defense to give lower priority in the list that sets the cultural heritage. 'If the pecking order, and the military can be prevented very important. ' He got the satellite images, which can often be six to nine months old, he said. Important objectives of the military, Heritage analysts are often left in the dark on the current situation. Aleppo, for example, has struggled in the heart of the medieval souk and the fortress at home, but Branting group did not provide recent pictures. 'This is a big bottle,' he overcome this obstacle adds.To will Branting Heritage focus solely on imaging, a series of satellites of the proposal. Cubesat spacecraft is based on the series. This small, off-the-shelf components and can be produced, and academic researchers are looking for low-cost access to satellite space.Branting popular and launch a series of time and money necessary to recognize that it will take years and millions of dollars, but she Regular cultural heritage sites at risk of long-term solution for researchers who want to follow the argument.

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