Tuesday 17 November 2015

Crunning is the weird new fitness trend in Australia

Crunning is the weird new fitness trend in Australia
LAST week we brought you the story about an odd new fitness trend taking off in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou called crawling, where fitness fanatics take to all fours to crawl around parks.
Turns out this bizarre exercise is taking off in Australia too. Only it has a different name — crunning.

Crunning is similar to bear crawling, except you run with your knees off the ground, using your hands to propel you forward.
Shaun McCarthy, from Northcote in Victoria, founded the Crunning Australia Facebook page just three weeks ago. Mr McCarthy says the rise in the Crossift movement means people are willing to try more unusual types of exercise.
But why not just go for a regular run?
“It’s an opportunity to exercise your upper body as well as your lower body,” Mr McCarthy, 34, told news.com.au.
“After half a kilometre you’re slaughtered. It’s really good for the thighs I’ve found. I’m really bulking out,” he said.
Crunners will need to invest in a pair of heavy duty gloves. Mr McCarthy wears welders gloves while he cruns to protect his hands.
“You really need those gloves, thank God I got them. You certainly wouldn’t want to do it barehanded, you need to cover those fingers. Any sneakers are fine, it’s just the gloves that are crucial.
While right now it’s just a bit of fun between mates, Mr McCarthy hopes to expand crunning into a full-blown moment.
“We’re going to start meet-up groups. A lot of it is fun, but as it gets bigger it will grow into a serious fitness thing,

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