Wednesday 11 November 2015

Decorated NZ soldier Ko Rutene is being detained in Australia

Decorated NZ soldier Ko Rutene is being detained in Australia
HE’S a decorated war hero being held in solitary confinement in an Australian prison — and New Zealand is furious about it.
Former Lance Corporal Ko Rutene, originally from New Zealand, is being held in a high security jail in Western Australia even though he hasn’t been charged with a crime and has never spent time behind bars.

Instead, Mr Rutene has had his visa revoked.
It seems he’s failed Australia’s character test under immigration laws that allows authorities to detain non-citizens.
His case was mentioned in the New Zealand Parliament yesterday by opposition MPs trying to embarrass Prime Minister John Key over New Zealanders being held in Australian detention centres.
Mr Rutene’s lawyer, Michael Pena-Rees, told theNew Zealand Herald the former lance corporal was part of the “Quick Reaction Force”, which rescued troops that came under attack from insurgents.
He said Mr Rutene, who moved to Australia in 2012, had no criminal record and had an “exceptional good character”.
But the point of contention is Mr Rutene’s association with a motorcycle club.
“The Rebels OMC is not a criminal organisation in Western Australia,” he said.
Mr Rutene was awarded three medals of honour as a result of his service— the service medal for Operational Service in Afghanistan, a medal recognising his tour of duty in Afghanistan, and the ISAF medal, a joint service award for his service in New Zealand and abroad, Stuff reported, and responded to a serious attack where a Kiwi soldier died and two were seriously injured.
Rutene was tasked with protecting the unit and evacuating the injured.
“Ko was deeply affected by this attack as he personally knew [the dead soldier] and was tasked to convey the fallen comrade’s body from the attack area,” Mr Pena-Rees said.
The lawyer claimed Mr Rutene was forcibly detained and threatened with tasers by police when they came to take him away.
Laws introduced in December allow the Government to deport foreign born people who have served up to 12 months jail or who fail character tests.

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