Saturday 14 November 2015

Gatwick Airport evacuated amid bomb fears

Gatwick Airport evacuated amid bomb fears
A terminal of London’s Gatwick Airport has been evacuated, with police detaining a man and investigating a “suspicious item”.
“Due to an incident, the North Terminal has been evacuated as a precautionary measure,” the airport, in the southern county of Sussex, said on Twitter. “Extra staff [are] on site looking after passenger welfare.

Sussex police confirmed the terminal was evacuated “following suspicious actions by a man who discarded an item at the airport”.
Officers arrested him and were investigating the item.
“At this time, we are investigating the circumstances of the incident and it is too early to say what the item may be,” Detective Superintendent Nick May said.

“However, given the events in Paris on Friday evening, there is heightened awareness around any such incident and it is best that we treat the matter in all seriousness.
“We are aware that there is concern about what has happened in France but the general threat level remains the same and people should be aware as usual of anyone acting suspiciously.”
It came as British Prime Minister David Cameron warned his nation to brace for casualties from the attacks in Paris, but he has left the nation’s terror alert warning unchanged.
The British leader says the country “must be prepared for a number of British casualties” from the Paris atrocity.
He condemned the “brutal and callous murderers”.
Mr Cameron said Saturday that the terror threat level in the UK would remain at “severe,” - the second-highest level — but that authorities would review plans amid an “evolving” threat from Islamic state.
In a message of solidarity to the people of France he said: “Your values are our values, your pain is our pain, your fight is our fight.”

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