Sunday 15 November 2015

Paris terror attacks: Second terrorist named as Ahmed Almuhamed

Paris terror attacks: Second terrorist named as Ahmed Almuhamed
ONE of the terrorists involved in the horrific Paris terror attacks which left 129 dead has been named as 25-year-old Ahmed Almuhamed.
Serbian newspaper Blic shared a passport photo of Almuhamed who it claims blew himself up at the Bataclan concert hall on Friday night, killing 89. The passport was found at the scene and investigators are working to verify its authenticity.

At least 129 people died and 352 were injured after seven terrorists attacked the Stade de France, restaurants and the Bataclan concert hall. Islamic State claimed reponsibility for France’s deadliest attacks since WWII.
Almuhamed, identified by Serbian authorities only by his initials AA, came into Europe through the Greek island of Leros, where he was processed on October 3, Greek officials said. He was among 70 refugees who arrived on a small vessel from Turkey. Serbian authorities said the same man had been registered at a border crossing from Macedonia into Serbia a few days later.
“One of the suspected terrorists, AA, who is of interest to the French security agencies, was registered on the Presevo border crossing on October 7 this year, where he formally sought asylum,” the Serbian interior ministry said in a statement. “Checks have confirmed that his details match those of the person who on October 3 was identified in Greece. There was no Interpol warrant issued against this person.”
Greece is the main entry point in Europe for thousands of Syrians refugees. European security forces have long feared that IS militants could hide among them.
A Croatian interior ministry spokeswoman said the man was registered in the country’s Opatovac refugee camp on October 8 and from there he crossed into Hungary and then Austria.
“There was no (police) record about him at the time of registration and there was no reason for us to stop him in any way,” she said.
A Greek newspaper, Protothema, said Almuhamed was travelling with a second man, Mohammed Almuhamed, and published pictures showing their purported travel documents.
Police have already identified one gunman who blew himself up at the Bataclan concert hall as 29-year-old Paris native Omar Ismail Mostefai. He has never been linked to terrorism.
Officials identified him by a severed finger found in the rubble of the Bataclan. His father and 34-year-old brother have been taken into custody and their homes are being searched.
Arrests in Belgium linked to terrorist attacks
A Belgian official says seven people have been detained in Belgium linked to the Paris attacks.
The official also said two of the seven attackers who died were French men living in Brussels. He said one of the French attackers was living in the Molenbeek neighbourhood, which is considered a focal point for religious extremism and fighters going to Syria.
The official said the seven people who were detained will hear later Sunday whether they will be held in custody longer.

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