Tuesday 5 January 2016

Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran threaten shaky peace efforts

Kuwait was the last Arab allies Saudi Arabia to align kingdom in the region amid increasing tensions with Iran after the implementation of leading Shia minister and opposition figure.The performance last weekend, also raised in Saudi Arabia, the regional rivalry Iran threatens to disrupt the already shaky peace efforts wars in Syria and Yemen.

Sudan and the island Kingdom of Bahrain said little break relations with Iran, such as Saudi Arabia, Sunday night. United Arab Emirates announced that relations with Tehran reduce the level of charge d'affaires, while other countries have made critical statements Iran.The coordinated campaign by Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia highlights the aggressive position of the king and his son Salman, Deputy Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was in a fight with Iran, a regional rival.What old I've seen in the last 24 hours unprecedented ... It shows Saudi Arabia and Iran was enough to send a message, 'says Abdulkhaleq Abdullah, a professor of political science at Emirates University. 'The Saudis say'. There is no limit to how far we go 'Tuesday announced the recall of its ambassador to Kuwait said in a statement to Kuwait News Agency's state, without going into details. It was not immediately clear how Iran diplomatic relations will depend on move.Tiny Kuwait Kuwait is home to both Sunni and Shia live in the world and faced the same political system among all Gulf nations.The diplomatic confrontation began Saturday when did cleric Saudi Shia al-Sheikh NIMR NIMR and 46 others convicted of terrorism - the mass executions by United, which 1980.Al Nimrah, a central figure in the Arab Spring protests inspired Shiite minority in Saudi Arabia, denied more While advocating violence. News of the execution provoked protests in Bahrain Shiites in Iran Pakistan.In, protesters attacked the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and Consulate in Mashhad. On Sunday evening, said Saudi Foreign Minister Kingdom Adel Al-Jubeir to break its relations with Iran for the attacks, which gives the Iranian embassy staff 48 hours to leave his country.On months in Saudi Arabia Civil Aviation Authority has halted all flights to and from Iran, saying the move was based to reduce diplomatic Kingdom ties.Iran expressed 'regret' over the attacks on diplomatic missions to the United Nations in a letter Monday and vowed to arrest the letter received responsible.In Associated Press, Iran's UN envoy Hoshru Gholami said more than 40 protesters were arrested, and authorities are looking for a different answer to the letter Arabia suspects.In UN Security Council late Monday condemned the attacks against the Iranian demonstrators Saudi diplomatic. In a statement, the Council agreed after hours of talks, made no mention of punishment in Saudi Arabia Saudi or Iranian rupture relations.Saudi Arabia and Iran have long been competing for influence in the Middle East. Their rivalry intensified after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the Arab Spring unrest that led to a proxy war in Syria and the Member Yemen.World tried to calm tensions. On Monday, Germany urged both sides to improve relations, while Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported, citing an unnamed diplomat as saying that Moscow is ready to act as a UN messenger of mediator.The Syria, Staffan Mistura of was -Riyad how to Ayr on Monday with plans to visit Tehran later. Iran, a staunch supporter of embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad, and Saudi Arabia, a major patron of the opposition, took part in three rounds of international negotiations to end the conflict. De Mistura has set a target date of January 25 fourth round of White House asked talks.The Saudi Arabia and Iran to prevent the dispute undermine efforts to end the Syrian civil war.

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