Sunday 3 January 2016

US warns Saudi Arabia's execution of prominent cleric risks inflaming sectarian tensions

Renowned Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr productivity Saudi Arabia threatens to exacerbate religious tensions, he warned the United States, joining the chorus of critics in the West and the Middle East, they condemned the murder.

As protesters in Tehran angrily reacted to the Embassy of Saudi Arabia fire, said a spokesman for the US State Department, John Kirby said in a statement that the US was 'particularly concerned' that the execution of al-NIMR risked 'fueling religious tensions at a time when they need emergency reduced.He said that the United States urged Saudi Arabia to peaceful expression of dissent and ensure a fair trial when working with community leaders to reduce tensions in the end, executions.The murder NIMR, a strong critic of the ruling Saudi royal family caused International outrage and diplomatic serious escalation of tension in the region, and the Shiite majority system disorders predicted areas.In the Saudi embassy in Tehran, demonstrators stormed at dawn on Sunday morning and began to fire before police dispersed call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran protesters to respect diplomatic premises according to the news site Entekhab, and urged politicians and leaders calm.British Iraq and Iran were among those who condemned the killing of al-NIMR NIMR, a prominent Shia cleric against the regime in Riyadh 47 people were executed in Saudi Arabia, he said, , Sunni week authorities.Iran supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Sunday Sunni political realm 'divine punishment' face death.The His spilled blood unjustly oppressed martyrs soon show its effects, and Saudi political revenge divine happens, 'Khamenei said on state television reported . What he described as 'performance error.No policy information was released about the method of execution used normal policy is to behead prisoners convicted sword.The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also expressed concern in the performance of NIMR and called for peace and restraint.Nimr, 56, promotes peaceful protest his followers. It is held in 2012, which caused high-profile campaign for your version supports the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for the death penalty and amnesty International.Yemen serious human rights violations and was more criticism in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Islamic Shiite Supreme Council condemned the actions of Lebanon Riad through difficult mistake.Protest meetings were held in Bahrain, where police fired tear effect on the crowd, and India, Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia's embassy in London and abroad. New demonstrations on Sunday in Lebanon and Tehran, where it is expected that most anger to be focused.The clergyman brother, Muhammad al-NIMR, whose son Ali was also concluded, calm, saying it expected only wants peaceful protests.Iran late Ayatollah was frequent requests to Saudi Arabia, forgive Nimr.n Saturday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Ansari Iran, Jabir, strongly attacked the government of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia increasing religious tensions in the region support the popular movements of terrorists and takfirizm [radical Sunni extremism, but the face of domestic critics , ¿As performance pressure ... the Saudi government will pay a high price for continuing this policy, 'he told the official IRNA performance data and Sheikh al-NIMR, who had no means to its political and religious affiliation is not, speak and show a degree irresponsibility and imprudence.Iran seat in parliament Ali Larijani warned. 'Nimr martyrdom of Saudi Arabia will not malestrom. Saudi does not pass this vortex. 'Shia majority of Iraq, Haidar al-Swedish Prime Minister said that the' intense shock 'speech, he said' will lead to nothing but more destruction, 'former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Said believes that the death penalty should note the fall in the Persian Gulf kingdom government.Maliki, referring to the murder of a prominent cleric in Iraq in 1980, said the Iraqis 'strongly condemned the hideous practice of sectarian and confirms that the performance of Sheikh al-Nimr overthrow the Saudi regime crime, martyr Al-Sadr, for the crime was Saddam Hussein, hundreds of armored vehicles were deployed in the eastern city of Arabia, where execution was carried out, and the surrounding province of Qatif Saturday morning before the announcement of the death. Local police evacuated.Hilary Benn, the shadow Foreign Office minister, said Saudi Arabia is deeply made a mistake in the execution. 'We are against the death penalty in all circumstances' international said.Amnesty Nimr said Saturday he was 'made to resolve the political points.' Amnesty director for the Middle East and North Africa, Philip Luther, Nimr told AFP that the trial was politicized and sometimes not 'manifestly unfair as international standards of fair trial have been violated flouted.He added:' That is an attempt to silence criticism of Saudi Arabia, Shia activist community.Nimr was outspoken voice in the anti-government protests that began in Bahrain in 2011. Starting as a series of popular uprisings in Libya autocracy routed through the support of the majority and Yemen.His open disagreement with Saudi leaders in Riyadh Bahrain Shiite viewed as a subversive threat, fearing its potential to provoke Shiite uprising in the eastern province of Saudi Al Katif. Two of the largest demonstrations ever seen in the region have been carried out in recent months, showing support and NIMR group of seven activists were placed for participating in pro-democracy demonstrations too. On Saturday, it was found that three of them were arrested adolescents between 47 executed.Like family NIMR family of Muhammad al-Sheuikh, Mohammed Saeed al-Ali al-Suwamil and was not notified of upcoming executions Rebh but is becoming more and anxiety monthly telephone calls and letters from prisoners is sharply reduced. However, nephew, named Ali al-NIMR NIMR, which was against international law, crucifixion part in anti-government protests and whose case has been pushed for 17 years, the leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbin, in his first speech at Conference list was not released Authorities called the death NIMR reaction executed.Ali father to remain calm despite the provocation that he realized that outrage provoked.We click again to avoid the reaction of the world was' Muhammad said: We have taken the position from the start by saying that it does not resort to violence, even if the death of Sheikh Al NIMR. Sheikh Nimr is highly respected in the Muslim community and society at large, and of course the reaction will be. We hope that any response will be limited under the peace ... enough bloodshed '. Hassan Hassan, author and expert on the Middle East, said the willingness of Saudi Arabia to a high-profile figure, seemed to threaten his popularity and unwilling to give pressure.Al-Nimr was a key Shiite youth activist Kingdom and beyond. He publicly called on al-Faqih vilayat [Iran cleric usually qualified model] Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, but also called for dictators, regardless of their sect as a tyrant Bashar Assad and his name is opposed to the rulers of Bahrain, 'said Hassan. .In Back to Saudi Arabia, which sends messages to foreigners and locals, whether speaking world, and the government should condemn those red crosses lines.He said it was important, while trying to Riad strengthen its alliances in the region and focus on who your enemies. 'It is important to reassure the population of Saudi Arabia, they show that the balance of forces in the volatile landscape of the region »added.Human human rights organizations sharply criticized the Saudi Arabia not addressing abuse and implementing repressive policies that suppress freedom of expression and assembly. The executions came a day after Amnesty International report showed that Saudi Arabia carried out 157 executions for executions in 2015, sentenced to one year 1995.The 47 take most takfirizm ideology, joining 'a terrorist organization and implementation of various 'criminal plans' said .They Arabia executed in 12 different cities, but the official SPA news agency gave no details of the method is not used, although it is usually a list of the sword ax .The Sunnis convicted for participation in the al-Qaida attacks in the kingdom in 2003 and 2004 years, including tariffs Shuwail said top religious leader of a terrorist group arrested in August 2004, two foreigners, Egypt and Chad, were listed .Executions sharply increased since the reign of King Salman throne last year, after the death of King Abdullah. Number of runs under Abdullah, January 2, more than half of the total in 2014, when 87 people were killed.

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