Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Why the real King Kong became extinct

The extinct giant gorilla is the nature of the closest I've never real King Kong products come with primates than five times the weight of a grown man, 'and have about twice tall.Scientists new knowledge the nature of the Mega -ape, Gigantopithecus made after examination of fossil teeth, so big they did not believe to have belonged to the dragon.

The Gigantopithecus is the largest ape species on the planet, but disappeared 100,000 years ago because he did not put the grassland after climate change has affected the favorite food of fruits, scientists weighed suggest.Gigantopithecus five times more than an adult man, and perhaps three meters (nine feet) high if incomplete estimates.In advanced a million years inhabited the subtropical forests of southern China and Southeast Asia. Continental Until now, almost nothing about the shape or habit Anatomy .the only four known giant fossil mandible Party, perhaps a thousand teeth - which in 1930 in Hong Kong, where pharmacists have been this way for the first time to stay slim ', which is clearly not enough to say that 'sold' the dragon's teeth. the animal on two legs or four legs, and what are the proportions of the body, Herve Bocherens, a researcher at the University of Tübingen, Germany, said AFP.Its near modern orangutans, but if you have the same Gigantopithecus red or black gold as a gorilla is a unknown.Another mystery is his diet. It is a meat eater or vegetarian? He did share a fondness for bamboo with its neighbors prehistoric giant panda? Answer to this riddle can also tell us why the monster certainly extinct.Examining to go a little from the other animals found slight variations in carbon isotopes in tooth enamel and Bocherens international scientific team has shown that The original King Kong Lives alone in the forest to fear, it is a strict vegetarian and can not fool of bamboo.These preferably narrow is not a problem for Gigantopithecus until Earth was hit by a major ice age in the Pleistocene, about 12,000 years 2.6 million ago.That is extended if the nature, evolution - and possible refusal to try new foods - a plot to condemn the giant ape, size Bocherens explained.Due may depend Gigantopithecus much food, 'he said during the Pleistocene .When over forest areas used savannah landscape, there is only enough food supply. 'According to the study, the other apes and early humans in Africa, the gear teeth, however, is comparable to the transition that eat leaves, grass and roots through the new environments. Aim for whatever reason, the survival of great apes Asian giant offered - which may be too heavy to climb trees, swing or branches - not switch.Gigantopithecus can not withstand the same ecological flexibility and may not have the physiological capacity to stress and lack of food 'notes the study, published in a professional journal, Quaternary International.Whether can mega-bee must adapt to a changing world, but not, or if they convicted by climate and genes, is probably one of those mysteries that will never be solved.

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