Friday 20 November 2015

Child Development - Kerala tops, Gujarat flop, hit Bihar

Child Development - Kerala tops, Gujarat flop, hit Bihar

In India, children rarely become the center of discussions on government policies. Child nutrition is a huge cut in budget plans, the mainstream media has hardly pay any attention to it. A few days ago, 'Rapid Survey on Children '2013-14 (RSOC) published the results of the brief, which provide the opportunity to rectify the indifference towards children, and these children in the country can be assessed.

It is also helpful that the criteria in RSOC the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 2005-06 data can be. A few years ago, 'Economic and Political Weekly ', a simple-to NFHS 2005-06 Child Development Index of the data was presented, the Human Development Index (HDI) was like. The difference in both child development child development criteria were included in the index only. With some variations, RSOC 2013-14 and NFHS 2005-06 the Child Development Index of the data had to be re-assessed. The Child Development Index has four indicator: the fully immunized children, female literacy percentage of 10-14 year age group, the percentage of those children who do not malnourished by weight, and the percentage of those births where the mother at get medical advice at once during pregnancy. The literacy percentage for 2001 and 2011 census data we have used, because it has not received from RSOC. The index has a similar weight to the four parameters, and used in HDI 'Normlaijheshn' is applied here
Keep in mind, two years can not be compared to the index; 2005-06 and 2013-14 can be compared only to the state rankings. The difference is not in the state rankings in both years. The higher ranks of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh - these states 'supermodel' status will receive, if Gujarat 'model' status should be given the fact he is not. In the ranking of the 20 major states of Gujarat was ranked 14th in 2005-06, and in 2013-14 reached the 15th spot. Gujarat in 2013-14 was lower than the average of the Child Development Index for India.

It is no surprise that all the states in the backward states, which first 'sick' were known as unattractive - undivided Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. But some differences are beginning to emerge in this area: as far as the parameters of hair growth is concerned, the state has isolated himself from the field. The Child Development Index for India is above the state average, is up from Gujarat. Uttarakhand conditions and is also good. On the other hand, the bottom of the Uttar Pradesh to Bihar is cleared.

Bihar is still quite backward, but a much worse situation than the 2005-06 to 2013-14 has been an improvement in the state. For instance, the percentage of those births where the mother during pregnancy medical checkup at least once (Ante-Natal checkup) has received, up from 34 per cent in 2005-06 to 85 percent in 2013-14 reaching - all Bihar is the most improved states.

Similarly, in 2005-06 the percentage of children fully immunized increased from 33 to 60 is reached. In a state where a short time ago it was believed that he could not run basic health services, it is a big achievement.

The index can also be created by adjusting other format. As for nutrition, the weight measure of the length of the space used in place of Ante-Natal checkup or breastfeeding can be seen. Some of these formats is definitely a difference in the rankings, but the basic shape remains the same: Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh are tops, and in the old time 'sick', known as the state (Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand excluding) the rear, the average of the whole country around the state itself is looming.

The final question that Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Himachal similarities in ...? The answer, to some extent, in the three states, only after extensive basic education has advanced rapidly. Comprehensive education in the three states of matter at the time, but without exception, is the most important change. Second, the government's positive role, later, by providing many basic services grew - health services, clean water, and basic social security systems. Third, active social policies of disadvantaged groups of people to be involved in the process of democracy was sound, the social development, has received support from all political parties. Fourth, these changes did not interfere in any state in economic growth, but it did help. And the last thing, repeatedly warned that Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Himachal course 'sustainable', but despite these states broaden the scope of social services and their quality deserves congratulations. For example, in Tamil Nadu [pioneer] maternity benefit scheme was introduced, cheap, nutritious food for mother canteen was run, and the bus has provided a place for women to breastfeed.

What other states can learn from these three ...? There was a time when Kerala was seen as the exception, but today have become like Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Himachal. And other states, where until a few not-were visible manifestation of hopelessness, now joined in the fray. Just think: the four indicators used here today, the (2013-14) Bihar '90 early years (1992-93) of the TN resembles.

As it can be seen that the state of Tamil Nadu, 20 years behind reality, but in the last 20 years, the way in the field of child development gap between Bihar and Tamil Nadu is, it also appears The state of Tamil Nadu today can take less than 20 years to become. It is thought to be really happy, and then the state can grow, then why not the rest of the state ..

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