Friday, 23 October 2015

Bodybuilder and bikini model wins right to keep her teaching job despite Instagram pictures

Bodybuilder and bikini model wins right to keep her teaching job despite Instagram pictures
SHE is a teacher by day and a bodybuilder and bikini model when not in the classroom.
Mindi Jensen, a divorced mother of four, loves to show off her body and it has won awards in bodybuilding competitions.
She posted pictures and her words of inspiration on Instagram using an alias, but her students at North Stanpete Middle School in the city of Moroni, Utah found her account and their parents got to know all about it.
“These kids found it and the parents were appalled by the pictures’ they called it immodest. They called it pornographic. They called the pictures inappropriate and these are my fitness and show pictures in my sport, in my uniform in my bodybuilding sport,”]

The parents complained to the school’s management. Officials gave her three options: to make her profile private, take her bikini and bodybuilding pictures down or be sacked.
Jensen complied, making her page private but then had a change of heart and decided to defy the school.
“Why am I taking this picture off, I get comments and messages that it’s inspirational to them and these women like my story,” Jensen said.
“If I put it to private, it’s not going to reach these people that might need and understand me.”
She revealed that she took up bodybuilding when her marriage crumbled. She became depressed and unhealthy and then turned to bodybuilding.
“I get women, single women, single mommas that message me, even on Instagram they will message me and tell me that what they read and what they see that I’m doing has inspired them to be healthier, has inspired them to leave a bad situation, to build strength,” she said.
Also she felt the school was wagging their finger at the wrong party.
“Why are my rights being taken away and not the child’s right. It’s between the parent and the child. Put restrictions on your children,” Jensen said. “If you are not comfortable with seeing me in my fitness uniform on stage posing then take that away from your kid. Don’t take it away from me.”
The school district agreed with her view and said that Jensen can keep her job teaching the children and her Instagram post can remain public.
In a statement North Sanpete School District Superintendent Dr. Sam Ray said “the district has cleared up any misconceptions with employees” and will conduct training for parents on appropriate student internet usage.

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