Sunday 25 October 2015

UK Mirror reports two English Premier League players are set to come out
A BRITISH newspaper claims not one but two Premier League football stars — including one who plays for England — are set to declare they’re gay.
The Mirror reports that the players — who they chose not to name — have told family, friends, their clubs and the Football Association about their decision.
“The stars are thought to be planning to go public before the start of next season,” the Mirror reported on its front page.

“We can also reveal that another well known player came out to friends in 2011. But a homophobic word was then daubed in paint across his car. It is understood he is now reluctant to come out publicly in case he is the target for more abuse.”
To date only one elite football player has ever come out while still playing — Norwich striker Justin Fashanu, who took his own life in 1998.
Manchester United defender Luke Shaw took to social media to declare he is not one of the two players in question.
For many years it was presumed that gay athletes might choose to stay silent on the question of their sexuality out of fear of a homophobic response, or the possibility of losing sponsorships.
But a shift appears to be taking place, with more and more elite athletes declaring their sexuality.
Last week champion American freeskier Gus Kenworthy revealed he had hoped to make a public statement about his relationship at the Sochi Olympics.
Kenworthy told ESPN he had planned to kiss his boyfriend after winning gold in his event, but when he placed second he decided not to go through with the idea.
“I wanted to come out as the best freeskier in the world,” he said.
In August, Keegan Hirst became the first English rugby league player to come out — following in the footsteps of Welsh player Gareth Thomas in 2009, and Australia’s Ian Roberts in 1995.
In 2014, Michael Sam became the first openly gay gridiron player to be drafted to the NFL, while Canadian Olympic luger John Fennell, figure skater Eric Radford, American college basketballer Derrick Garden and Australian champion swimmer Ian Thorpe also declared their sexuality.
In 2013, British diver Tom Daley revealed he was in a same-sex relationship via a video he posted to social media. It was recently announced that the Olympic silver medallist plans to wed his boyfriend, Hollywood screenwriter Dustin Lance Black.
A number of former and lower-tier football players have previously stated they are gay, including Liam Davis, who plays for the UK club Gainsborough Trinity, and the former German international Thomas Hitzlsperger.

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