Saturday, 17 October 2015

Clinton cracks up over question about FBI probe into email server

A question about the FBI investigation into her private email server caused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to laugh out loud during a Friday interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper
“Bernie Sanders said that ‘the American people are tired of hearing about your damn emails,’ but there are a lot of people who are not, including FBI officials looking into whether national security was compromised because of this server,” Tapper said in the interview, prompting Clinton to produce several hearty guffaws.
Clinton reiterated that she never transmitted classified information over the private server that she held during her tenure at State.
The Democratic primary front-runner also characterized reports to the contrary, which say she did house classified information on her server, as a “very strong difference of opinion.”
Clinton said the conflicting reports are commonplace examples of cross-departmental bickering.

“So I think a lot of this is being a public display of the very common arguments that go on between different agencies and our government,” she said. “This happens every time there is a Freedom of Information Act request.”

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