Thursday 15 October 2015

Injured In Last 3 Years? New Calculator Determines If You Can Sue For £1000s

8 Facts You Must Understand – If You Want the Compensation You Deserve

By S.T. Martin. Personal Finance Editor.
If you have sustained any type of injury, then it’s important to understand your situation. You might be have been injured at work. Or the injury might have taken place at home, in a shopping centre, or even on holiday. You can alsoclaim for a defective product that caused an injury.
Personal injury law can be confusing. So here are several facts you must understand if you have been injured.
FACT 1. The location of the accident doesn’t really matter. What’s really important is returning to health and getting the compensation you deserve. You may be entitled to compensation for injuries that took place on a package holiday. Or the injury could have taken place at work, in a road accident, or simply in a restaurant or pub.
FACT 2. Many people who get injured don’t realize they might be entitled to some type of compensation. If the injury is not your fault or it took place on someone else’s property, then you must look into getting compensated for the injury.
FACT 3. The severity of the injury doesn’t matter. You could be leaving hundreds of thousands of pounds on the table – even if the injury is minor.
FACT 4. It’s easier to get compensation. Ten years ago, it was difficult for people to receive injury compensation. Thankfully, it’s significantly easier today to get that compensation. The compensation system has changed – in favour of people who have been injured.
FACT 5. You must speak with a specialist lawyer. Whatever the location of the injury – or the severity of the injury – it’s important to consult with a solicitor who specializes in personal injury law.
FACT 6. These lawyers are here to help you. It’s normal to feel slightly nervous about talking with a lawyer or legal specialist. However, you should feel totally at ease. Why? Because personal injury lawyers are on your side. They spend every working hour making sure injured people get the compensation they deserve.
FACT 7. This will not cost you anything – until you win. There is no charge for the initial consultation. If the personal injury lawyer believes you have a case, there is no fee. The lawyer only receives a fee when you win compensation. If you don’t win your case, you don’t pay.
FACT 8. Take the next step. Even if the injury seems minor, it’s important to contact a personal injury lawyer. The injury may be more serious than you believe. A legal professional can let you know about the next steps you can take.
To speak with a legal specialist for no charge, click here right now. You can also click here or click the map below for a specialist in your region. Your information is kept strictly confidential.

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