Thursday 15 October 2015

Online Gaming Is The New Social Network

Harrison, 16, reveals how a new generation is turning to Xbox and PlayStation as a way to stay in touch with friends and meet new people.
Harrison says: Online multiplayer gaming is like Facebook, but there are far more things to do. It’s just a more entertaining way to be in touch with people.
It’s a great way to stay in touch with my friends and I’ve also made new friends in games who I’ve go on to meet away from the screen.
It’s no longer just entertainment. It’s a new kind of experience. Online gaming on PayStation 4 or Xbox One basically IS a social network. I can instantly see what my friends are up to, and choose whether or not to join in.
When we ‘meet up’, we don’t just shoot each other. There’s lots of ways to interact in online games, whether it’s just sending a message or actually making some sort of in game gesture. Even something stupid like dancing.
If I do something amazing in game, I can also share pictures and video direct to Twitter or Facebook which makes the whole experience even more ‘social’.
Although I will play almost any game, I play online games more than any others. It’s just more satisfying and enjoyable to play with a human being rather than a computer.
When it comes to playing against the computer it’s easy to get bored. If it’s a real person there, it keeps you interested.
Games without multiplayer aren’t over, though. There are just new ways to play. There are plenty of games where you are playing a single-player story, but there just happen to be other people around.
Destiny' is online right from the very beginning, but you have the option of completing the game by yourself or with others. It’s a great way to stay connected with people. Personally, I really enjoy that way of playing.
I know some people might find it odd, but it’s totally normal for me to wear a headset while playing and talk to other gamers - both people I know and people I don’t.
If someone is sending you a text message, it’s usually because either they don’t know you or their headset has broken and they are waiting for a new one. I think most online players will be able to relate to this!

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