Saturday, 19 September 2015

Ad-blocker developer pulls his app from Apples App Store as the Apple vs. Google war escalates.

Ad-blocker developer pulls his app from Apples App Store as the Apple vs. Google war escalates.
LESS than 48 hours after the Peace mobile app was released and hit the top of Apple’s paid app charts, its well-known developer, Marco Arment pulled the app after his conscience took a hit.

The Peace app took advantage of a relaxation of rules made by Apple in its latest operating system, iOS 9. For the first time ever on iPhones, it opened up the ability to block ads on websites in its Safari browser. Mr Arment’s app which provided the ad blocking service skyrocketed to the top of the App Store, and at $2.99 a download, it would easily have been on its way to bring in millions of dollars.
But the developer, who previously had created Instapaper and was heavily involved with social blogging platform Tumblr explained in a blog post that making money while others lost it “just doesn’t feel good”.
“Achieving this much success with Peace just doesn’t feel good,” wrote Mr. Arment.
“Ad blockers come with an important asterisk: while they do benefit a ton of people in major ways, they also hurt some, including many who don’t deserve the hi

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