Friday 18 September 2015

Straight men everywhere are kissing each other to spite controversial clerk Kim Davis

Straight men everywhere are kissing each other to spite controversial clerk Kim Davis
STRAIGHT men the whole world over are indulging in a little man-on-man action in an effort to show Kim Davis what love really is.
#KissesForKim is a new social media movement in which straight guys kiss each other, upload the pictures and videos to social media to show Davis that same-sex love is fine with them, thank you very much.

The movement was started by two friends who uploaded a video to YouTube with a pertinent message for the Kentucky clerk, who went to jail for refusing to give marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
“Dear Kim Davis, We want to let you know that no matter what you do, love will always win,” the men said.
“What we want you to do is you’re watching this video is grab your closest friend, give him a kiss, take a photo or video, and upload it using #KissesForKim, to let Kim know that she cannot win … and that we also love her and think she’s beautiful.”

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