Dramatic meeting is likely to attack prey went wrong, scientists say. This was also the beginning of a trend. A few photos of other species in similar poses became a social experience, it became clear: 2015 years animal mounts.
It is a strange sight to see, as there are always a few people asking if the photos are fake driving animals. But could something like this happen all the time, how animals interact with each other in nature, it's just that these moments are fleeting and difficult to write, and so rare. With the proliferation of cell phones and other low-cost camera technology, these strange times more documented and shared in social networks, where a seemingly insatiable appetite for new images. There is even a group of Reddit and Tumblrdevoted topic.An in amateur photography in the park in the east of London, I have made this less weaselclutching image back woodpecker in March. When animals arrive at the first woodpecker fled probably bypass that analyzes photos predator.Scientists said he thought it was probably true in photography and natural history point of view. Not only the picture was authentic, but often, European green woodpecker birds eat ants on the floor where they are vulnerable to predators like weasels.The natural world is full of wonders, a naturalist with the National Wildlife Federation, 'and we have the opportunity to see firsthand if the go to experience them.In July shooting camera traps revealed the South African mongoose animal called 'waterfront wife black rhino. Genets recorded riding white rhino and Cape buffaloes.Scientists, genetics access to insects, which are mixed with larger animals or parasites. They are also a good perch to look around and maybe some protection from predators. Large animals do not care too much, but apparently could annoyed.A California photographer captured the moment a crow appears on the crest or sailing, the bald eagle in July. behavior specialist at Cornell Lab of Ornithology Raven, that the sequence of images is not surprising, because the crows are often prey to their Mob birds from their nests biologist. During their pursuit, they may appear to ride on the back for short periods of time. Eagles tend to be used for treatment.In another case of bullying, it makes National Wildlife Refuge in the Great Plains captures the moment a red-winged blackbird riding on top of a hawk in reality scenes August.That general, the researchers say, some species of blackbirds, who systematically haunt of birds of prey, trying to drive them out of danger.
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