Saturday, 19 December 2015

A bunch of Americans just voted in favour of bombing a fake city

Genie is hope for your freedom from the earth. Some of the people here are so damn stupid.In a recent poll, American voters were asked not to support the bombing of the city of Agrabah. The company behind the voices, the institution of public policy, announced results for the world to tweet Friday:

Thus, 30 of the primary voters of the Republican Party is or could bombard support these findings and the wrong city Agrabah.What; Oh, that's right. Agrabah is a wonderful town situated in Disney Aladdin.Evidently just some of the American electorate, Agrabah long as there are enemies who plan to drop United States.And so you hear something vague, such as the Middle East where I'm sure it will be some of the actual locations of the devil, who is straight, is this so important? Only 13 percent of Republican respondents from '.For is fair that they do not know, the Democratic Party very wise' second 57 votes, 'he stated that it would shelling across the city. 19 percent of them, but it was well below the nominal city.Look bombing, for their defense, it really Jafar, back in power, want to take a chance and gained control of the area would not appear. Maybe should these voters only prolong cartoon character ... have mercy on a whole new level. noble.The poll of 14 candidates, because they get an insight into voters number of serious issues.When Republican Party since had asked people who want to see as presidential candidate GOP for most of 2016 managed to Donald Trump percent in the first coming was to voice, is Ted Cruz for 18 per semester cent.Over followed in 34 to 54 - were in favor of banning Muslims from entering the United States. Create a majority of national databases over mousoulmanoi.To supports 46 percent, with 36 percent of the electorate, New Jersey when they took place.This Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, is not the first time the audience said that Believe political choices thousands of Arabs to cheer up, threw a muzzle questions mix. 2012 to return, 25 - took place in 'Panetta Burns' plan. Inconvenient location? Such a plan did Mase exist.Oh people. They are these people spirits is scary to think what would happen if they had given three wishes.

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