Most of us, especially this time of year to recognize the symptoms of indigestion, nausea, pain in the upper abdomen (dyspepsia) or chest (heartburn) and a lot of burping. You may also feel bloated and especially the whole, even after eating small portions. About one-fifth of the adult population in developed countries receive recurrent episodes of indigestion, which can be stressful and exhausting. There may be no obvious trigger - such as drinking five pints Vindaloo - but equally, it may not be obvious.
The specific cause rare, even if you have threaded tube in the throat and the stomach (endoscopy) is a good look around. People often worry about the underlying cancer, but if there are no other symptoms are present, such as weight loss, difficulty swallowing, or repeated vomiting, the risk is very small. Drugs that block the production of acid in the stomach, prevents pain messages to the brain or eliminate the gastrointestinal tract bacteria can do wonders. Exercise for relaxation and treatment of acupuncture may also help, although there is no evidence. Very obvious triggers (eg, alcohol, spicy foods and painkillers) sense - but again, this may not be easy monthly try.That years, because the brain believes that it is difficult to distinguish whether the pain comes from the heart or the stomach and the esophagus. It can be hard to tell the difference, and if you're really worried about, it is best to seek emergency medical care. A heart attack can begin, if you avail yourself - using treadmills or sex, for example. It is typically the pressure, pain or a dense group of pain in the left side of the chest. It can then spread to the neck and chin and make you breathless, weak and sweaty. Indigestion (confusing is called heartburn), usually begins in the upper part of the stomach and moves up in the chest. The situation is even worse when you lie down or bend over, because it causes stomach acid into the esophagus. For a sour taste in the mouth when the acid goes a long way. Antacids (such as Gaviscon and Reni), which neutralize the acid pain relief. If you have a number of years, it is of course likely that indigestion as a heart attack.
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