Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Kevin Cottam, 45, shares his struggles on living life as a real-life Jedi

Welshman Kevin Cottam says el is the only full-time for the Brits 'Gray Jedi' wearing robes full of lonxitude and saber un charging indicator con el times.The 45-year-old Dixo that atopou faith, jediism I Despois frustrated Lina 'Most relixións' ten o'clock to follow the rules.

Con throughout, although the popularity of Star Wars xénero and lanzamento upcoming movie, Kevin says home shouting abuse con el streets for Xeito what you saw and even atravesar Rua allegedly not black him.He jediism xente shows that life is un coñecemento cycle, wisdom and compaixón - and ensinarlles ningun value of photographs from here or possessions.Kevin nun lives in the apartment I Rhyl, North Wales poner, Dixo: 'Just because Teno Mina life of a Jedi, a big no means sounding un gran fan of Star Wars, is un lifestyle min, is un belief.I atopei Mina Fe, phage ING un little search I came across Lina was enton CoA old Djedi Exipto, which inspired the Jedi Star Wars movies. 'Xente xulgan me, Dame targeted Estranes and shouting abuse in the street I min, Pero I just want to convey mensaxe ace persoas it's hot I am a boy, tan easy to take care con el. 'Kevin, who is single, screaming thickets times persoas' I the son of his father's path el, el di Nin that Sequera fun anymore.He cre that ningunha higher than calquera other persoana world and persoas Deben talking con el ING has mais site him.The Former xefe now rexistrado as sensory disabilities and live life to the full-time un Jedi.He Dixo that was across the support from the local authorities do not know where Quéré's reign, and says, el, el suxire rexistrar himself lightsaber as item.I'm relixiosa the other does not persoana, is different from all, I Creo que deberian may be suntan clean and bo, like me, 'Kevin said.It is bo X and malo because it MINAS relacións, correo adoraba walk to Pola city and con me amosoume me everyone.However according persoas that Quéré does not translate for me Mor the way I dress and I Xeito boy, big is good to min, I do not Teno mind.My Relixión does hai laws and book ningun rules faime only attraction Mellor persoana xente not Razon ten minutes, when I take me, they Sequera's saben me.Kevin hate the Jedi FAI all the materials you saw propias purchase en tents for charity and sells them, Despois ending con them.He Still FAI suits your friend, who I diferenza Kevin, Cosplay (lead it as is) your favorite fictional personaxe poden take him facer bucket minutes to six hours, and Pasado, El tamen ten o'clock to use un curtain material warm.There keep him in the United Nations was an incident that really stuck not con un ta day in the city walk ', engadiu said.This husband Tive three Fillos con and excited dicir El attractions is Batman', mentres second Dixo that estaba evil, and I Jedi.The un home turned Fillos and Dixo: 'No, and anticipate, as a solid, was horrible.non is that f ** * ing Spinner '- I was un mortified.It bad example minus is established, and teaches m

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