Friday 4 December 2015

Facebook Rolls Out Live Video Streaming Test for All Users

  Facebook has rolled out live video streaming tests for all its users, four months after the introduction of features on celebrities and other users of high-profile, media said.

After a little test on Thursday, Facebook users will be able to use a redesigned status menu to select the 'Live Video' Edge reported.As enter Meerkat earlier and the periscope, Facebook's current view of the number of live viewers, the names of friends are watching, and real-time feedback, written .But against live streaming pioneers Facebook users will be able to save the video to your timeline, and can stay there, unless you choose to delete them.The move reflects Facebook eagerness to capture more of the real-time content.The reason people like these are quite different from known said Julie Zhou, director of product design in Facebook.Live video is something contrary Facebook News Feed algorithm that sorts the hundreds or thousands of publish your friends share on the basis of probability them.I live set to 'public' will generate a notification to push it just goes on algorithmic generates a list of 'close friends' - probably a small number of people

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